Egipatska magija
All about the magic of ancient Egypt: the role of magic in controlling the gods, powerful amulets that protected against evil spirits, scarab immortality, the use of wax images, formulas and spells, the secret name, etc.
By studying the remains of the religious literature of ancient Egypt, which has reached us, it was discovered that the belief in magic represented a large and important part of the Egyptian religion. Egyptian magic originates from the time when the Egyptians believed that the earth and the underworld, the air and the sky were inhabited by countless beings, visible and invisible. The main purpose of magic was to give man supremacy over these forces. The purpose of Egyptian magic was to enable man to force both good and evil forces, and in a later period even the god himself, to do what he wanted.
Sir Budge is a distinguished English archaeologist and orientalist. He translated a lot from Akkadian, Coptic, Irish, Ethiopian and Egyptian. He wrote over a hundred works on Egyptian literature, religion and mythology. Among his most significant works are the standard text The Book of the Dead and The Gods of Egypt.
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