Najveće svetske nesreće dvadesetog veka
- A catastrophic fire in a super-luxury hotel in Las Vegas - The flood destroys the Renaissance treasure - Mysterious suffocation of all passengers in a crowded train - A deadly heat wave is sweeping America
Najveće svetske pogreške i zablude
Martians landed on earth-Curse of the pharaoh-Fiasco of the Olympics in Montreal in 1976-Massacre of the hussar squadron-Rain of hydrogen bombs over Spain-Mafia, brotherhood of fear
Najveće svetske varalice i lopovi
Scumbags, scoundrels, charlatans, robbers, miscreants, evildoers, liars, robbers, fools, hochstaplers, thieves, vagabonds, adventurers, forgers and other fraudsters.
Najveći svetski ekscentrici i osobenjaci
Part of a book series that examines life stories that have made headlines around the world. This one deals with eccentrics and idiosyncrasies.
Najzloglasnije svetske ubice
Although we think of murder as a terrifying crime, most murders are unpremeditated acts committed in a brief moment of rage.
Nauka o Samospoznaji
Ne poželi ženu brata svoga
Nevidljivi pomagači
The subject of this book is the area of mysticism and supernatural phenomena from the astral world. Based on true examples, the author tries to show the importance of the so-called invisible helpers in human life.
Nostradamusova proročanstva
Before you is a book of true centuries and prophecies of Nostradamus. In this quatrain book, Nostradamus gives his vision of the future. His well-known true centuries contain prophecies that sometimes go into the smallest quatrains.
Nostradamusova proročanstva - Numerološka proročanstva - Istinite centurije i proročanstva
The book "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" from 1990 explores the prophecies of the famous French prophet Michel de Nostredama, better known as Nostradamus.
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