Paranormal and parapsychology
Hipnoza i parapsihološki fenomeni
The book "Hypnosis and Parapsychological Phenomena" by Juraj Čačić is a synthesis of his earlier works: "Introduction to Alternative Medicine", "Hypnosis, Medicine and Healers" and "Parapsychological Phenomena".
Hipnoza za svakoga
The book Hypnosis for Everyone by Momčilo Moša Todorović provides a systematic and accessible introduction to hypnosis, explaining its history, mechanisms and practical application.
Kako gospodariti sobom pomoću svesne autosugestije
The book talks about how to control your consciousness using autosuggestion.
Kako postići da drugi čine ono što želimo
This book will help you to influence people of your own choosing, from up close or from afar.
Kozmički zakoni stvaranja i razaranja
Why and how will the world economic order collapse in 2012?
Kraljevstvo anđela
The purpose of writing this book about angels is to provide knowledge that can serve as a basis for further study of the angelic hierarchy.
Levitacija: od mistike do znanosti
The following pages should be a testimony of a turning point in our image of the world, which encompasses all areas of life, and at the center of which is the development of the true dignity of our human existence.
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The book The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries explores the fascinating stories of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) around the world.
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