Psychotherapy and self-help
Promijenite igru: Kako se osloboditi loših navika i postići pozitivne promjene u životu
"Always Change a Losing Game", a book by Canadian doctor David S. Posen, helps to find solutions and make necessary changes in life.
Pronađi pravog partnera i održi sretnu vezu
Meeting and conquering a person with whom you can live a happy love life is not only a matter of luck, but also of attitude. You don't need to wait for your opportunity, you need to create it.
Psihologija uspjeha IV: Vođa u vama
Can we learn from this book what is offered to us in the subtitles: How to make friends, How to influence people, How to succeed in changing the world?
A book that tries to explain what a man is, the unconscious structure of his personality, and how to help yourself and achieve success in life.
Put sreće
After we ventured on the Path of Self-Dependence, followed the Path of Encounters and left behind the Path of Tears, we have the last path ahead of us: The Path of Happiness - the book with which Jorge Bucay ends his Road Plans series.
Radost susreta
Rak je moguće spriječiti i izliječiti
In this book, there are recommendations that can be helpful in preventing and treating cancer, except for preventive measures, which are included in the conventional approach.
Rak, leukemija i druge prividno neizlečive bolesti izlečive prirodnim putem
Redovnik koji je prodao svoj Ferrari: Priča o ostvarivanju snova i ispunjavanju vlastite sudbine
This inspiring story leads to greater courage, balance, abundance and joy in life. Simple, easy and direct, it appeals to every modern man who wants more from life.
A practical book
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