Children's books
Vrijeme igre
If Ljubica Balog were asked when it is time to play, we are sure that she would answer that our whole life is play time.
Vrtni patuljak
This is a story about a little girl and her growing up, and about love, friendship, renunciation and loyalty of a garden gnome, of which there are quite a few in the city.
Vuk na voćinskoj cesti
"The Wolf on the Voćin Road" by Anđelka Martić is a short story set in the period of the Second World War. The plot follows a boy, Ivica, who lives in a war-torn village.
Winnie medvjedić zvani Pooh i prijatelj Tigar
A shortened version of the famous novel by A. A. Milne, produced by Walt Disney, will appeal to the youngest readers. Lots of illustrations and less text is a great incentive for first graders to read.
Žabac kraljević
In ancient times, when people believed that wishes come true, there lived a king whose all the daughters were beautiful. But she was the youngest and the most beautiful.
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