Ferdo Kovačević: Počeci modernog hrvatskog pejzažnog slikarstva
In the Zagreb "painting colony" from the end of the nineteenth century, Ferdo Kovačević (besides Auer) was the only one born in Zagreb, so the "genius loci" of the melancholic Posavina plain had a stronger effect on his sensibility...
Figure i sjene (O žudnji, nasilju i svetom u dramama Jeana Geneta i Bernard-Mariea Koltesa)
Marija Paprasharovski's book Figures and Shadows deals with the plays of two prominent French writers, Jean Genet and Bernard-Marie Koltès.
Filmska kamera u rukama amatera
This book provides useful information on shooting techniques, film development and amateur filmmaking tricks.
Film zvani želja
A book by a celebrated Polish director in which he talks about his films, as well as the social engagement of artists and "the conflict between social patronage and the personal world view of a director who makes films".
Filozofija povijesti umjetnosti
Fiskovićev zbornik I-II : zbornik radova posvećenih sedamdesetogodišnjici života Cvita Fiskovića
A collection of papers dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the life of art historian Cvito Fisković.
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