Homeland war
U logorima Manjače i Gline
In the camps of Manjača and Glina: Testimonies of Croatian veterans This is the second book by Vladimir Štefanac, and it tells about the fighting in Kostajnica and the imprisonment at Manjača.
U obrani svjetla : 15 godina Udruge hrvatskih branitelja Hrvatske elektroprivrede 1990. - 1995.
Uokviravanje nacije i kolektivni identiteti. Politički rituali i kultura sjećanja na traume 20. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj
In the book, the strategy of framing the nation and collective identities from the top down and from the bottom up was implemented through the commemorative practices of events from the Second World War and the Homeland War in Croatia.
Vukovarska balada - Rat i ljubav
"Vukovar's Ballad" is a touching authentic testimony of the great Vukovar epic from 1991.
Vukovarski franjevci u Domovinskom ratu : ratne i uzničke zabilježbe
The defense of Vukovar against the invaders, soldiers of the so-called Yugoslav People's Army and Serbian Chetniks, in the autumn months of 1991.
The novel is set during the Homeland War in Croatia and follows the destinies of ordinary people faced with the horrors of war.
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