Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)
Henri Matisse (1869- )
Hinterglasmalerei: Geschichte, Erscheinung, Technik mit Fotos
This title comes from the University of Art and Industrial Design Collection.
Hrvatska moderna 1892. - 1953.
A selection from the collection of the Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek
Hrvatski slikari i kipari: Slavonija-Srijem
"Hudožnik": Povest Tarasa Ševčenka : illiustratsii, dokumenty / The Artist : a story by Taras Shevchenko : illustrations, documents
This bilingual, Russian-English monograph on the great Ukrainian poet, artist, thinker and revolutionary, Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861), is a very original work.
Impresionisti i postimpresionisti u muzejima Sovjetskog Saveza
The book consists of an introduction by Marina A. Besonova, a part with reproductions (294) and a 75-page catalog, which was made by Ana G. Barska and collaborators.
Istarske freske / Istrianische fresken: 12 reprodukcija
The large amount of preserved wall painting in a relatively small area such as Istria is amazing. There are approximately 140 localities, from large and sumptuous fresco cycles to individual scenes and small fragments.
Istorija slikarstva - Od Đota do Sezana
This book explores the development of painting from the Renaissance to Impressionism, and key artists such as Giotto and Cézanne left an indelible mark on art and society.
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