Latest in the offer
Osnove marketinga
"Marketing Fundamentals" (2006) by Philip Kotler, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, and Gary Armstrong is one of the most influential books on marketing.
Mikroekonomija (peto izdanje)
This book provides a thorough introduction to microeconomic principles.
Moderni menadžment (10. izdanje)
Modern Management (10th Edition) by Samuel C. Certo and S. Treviso Certo provides a thorough overview of contemporary managerial principles, techniques, and practices.
Menadžment uredskog poslovanja (osmo izdanje)
The book "Office Business Management" by Zane K. Quible, in its eighth edition from 2010, provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of office business management.
Učinkoviti odnosi s javnošću (deseto izdanje)
"Effective Public Relations" (tenth edition, 2010) by Glen M. Broom is one of the key works in the field of public relations.
Strateški menadžment (14. izdanje)
The book "Strategic Management" (14th edition, 2008) by Arthur A. Thompson, A.J. Strickland III and John E. Gamble is a comprehensive textbook divided into two parts.
Statistika za poslovanje i ekonomiju
"Statistics for Business and Economics" (Sixth Edition, 2010) by Paul Newbold, William L. Carlson, and Betty Thorne provides a thorough understanding of statistical methods applicable to business and economics.
Upravljanje proizvodnjom (četvrto izdanje)
"Manufacturing Management" (Fourth Edition) - Roger G. Schroeder provides a thorough overview of the key aspects of manufacturing management.
U sjeni vinove loze
Full of secrets, difficult decisions and strong emotions, the novel In the shadow of the vine brings an exciting and above all touching story about love, sacrifice, courage and the search for a true family. The sweet taste of grapes, the intoxicating smel
Poduzetništvo (sedmo izdanje)
This book provides a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship, covering key concepts such as developing an entrepreneurial idea, business planning, financing, management, and business growth.
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