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Spisi svetoga Leopolda Bogdana Mandića

Spisi svetoga Leopolda Bogdana Mandića

The book Writings of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić was prepared based on the writings that served in the process of his beatification. The manuscripts are in the archives of the Vicepostulature in Padua.

Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1992.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Suvremena svjetska književnost

Suvremena svjetska književnost

Milivoj Solar

This book discusses some problems of the study of world literature, the position of literature in our time, the peculiarities of contemporary literary expression and some development trends of contemporary literary production.

Školska knjiga, 1982.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Rasprava o porijeklu i osnovama nejednakosti među ljudima / Društveni ugovor

Rasprava o porijeklu i osnovama nejednakosti među ljudima / Društveni ugovor

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Rousseau in the work "Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among people" analyzes the origin of social differences and their impact on human nature. In "The Social Contract" he considers how individuals can preserve their freedom within a

Školska knjiga, 1978.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Dim u ogledalima

Dim u ogledalima

Jayne Ann Krentz

Meredith Spooner lived fast and died young. Her latest fraud - the embezzlement of more than a million dollars from the university's charitable trust - will haunt Leonora Hutton. But in a house full of mirrors, Leonora may be out of her league.

Naklada AS, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.


Anders de La Motte

Anders de la Motte is a former police officer and until recently head of insurance for one of the world's largest IT companies. Currently working as an international insurance consultant, he is also one of the most exciting and innovative crime writers.

Znanje, 2013.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ideja i priča: Aspekti teorije proze

Ideja i priča: Aspekti teorije proze

Milivoj Solar

This is the most influential and, according to some critics, Solar's best book. The subtitle refers only to the central issue, because the horizon in which the independent conception of the theory of prose is built is so broad that it encompasses the fund

Znanje, 1980.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Krležini evropski obzori: Djelo u komparativnom kontekstu

Krležini evropski obzori: Djelo u komparativnom kontekstu

Viktor Žmegač

The first edition of the book, for which Žmegač received two significant awards: "Vladimir Nazor" in 1987 and the Krležina Fund award in 1990.

Znanje, 1986.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
U Vortexu ostvarenih želja: Kreirajte vlastitu stvarnost uz pomoć Zakona privlačenja i svjedočite čudima u vašem životu

U Vortexu ostvarenih želja: Kreirajte vlastitu stvarnost uz pomoć Zakona privlačenja i svjedočite čudima u vašem životu

Ana Bučević

The book In the Vortex of Fulfilled Desires will help you discover techniques that will help you attract happiness and abundance into your life.

Harfa, 2016.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old

Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old

Jean L. Briggs

Psychological anthropologist Jean Briggs shows how Inuit adults use dramatic play to transmit cultural messages and moral lessons to their children.

Yale University Press, 1998.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.


Sara Blaedel, Mads Peder Nordbo

What's it like when you know you're going to die and you're waiting to dissolve? A crime novel with an ingenious plot is a must-read for all lovers of Scandinavian writers. Blaedel and Nordbo are so coordinated that they wrote a real crime hit.

Znanje, 2022.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.