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Katarina Velika – ruska carica
Catherine II (May 2, 1729 - November 17, 1796), better known as Catherine the Great, was Empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796.
This collection contains songs about love and the charms of life with the woman you love. Pavić's prose is stylistically fluid and has an intoxicating effect on readers, and his poetry is read in one breath from cover to cover.
Kaznenopravna odgovornost i zaštita mladeži
The book of prof. Ph.D. Mladen Singer, is a comprehensive scientific commentary on the Law on Youth Courts as well as the corresponding norms of the special part of the Croatian Criminal Code.
Kelti na širem području Nove Gradiške
Kina - Između siromaštva i industrijskog razvitka
Klasna borba i koncepcije razvoja
This work deals with the themes of class struggle and different conceptions of social and economic development, providing insight into sociological and economic theories relevant to the time.
Knjiga lirike
Knjiga o Ani i usputna sjećanja
The birth of a child is the greatest happiness of every family, but the knowledge that a newly born child is deaf changes life and gives it a different meaning. The book about Ana is the story of a family's life after such a final diagnosis.
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