Discounted books
The book "Pruka" contains 79 new poems by Nikola Kraljić, arranged in three cycles: "What's Between", "In the House, in the Tree, in the Land" and "Without a Hat on the Language".
Posljednja večera
The action of the novel takes place during just one day in Gdańsk. The heroes of the novel are acquaintances who should arrive at the agreed time for a joint photo shoot, and according to the photo taken, their mutual friend will paint the Last Supper.
Posljednji dani Amerike
Posljednji dani Hitlera
Poslovna organizacija (drugo izmijenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje)
Introduction, organizational structure, organization of organizational structure elements, organizational dynamics, company as an object of organization, organization of business functions, presentation of company organization.
Pošta za Harryja Pottera
The girl ˝RU˝ doesn't have a postman owl, so she sends her letters to Harry Potter by sea waves, spring waves, morning dawn, seagulls, falcons, and most often by swallows!
Postolareva žena
The Shoemaker's Wife is Adriana Trigiani's biggest hit and the most beautiful love story she wrote. Our readership has already met her with the hits Lucia, Lucia, The best summer of our life, Autumn clouds, and other hits.
Povijest 10: Doba apsolutizma (17. stoljeće)
Povijest 11: Doba prosvjetiteljstva (18. stoljeće)
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