Rare books

Das Kapital. Buch III: Der Gesammtprozess der kapitalistischen Produktion. Dritter Band, erster [und] zweiter Theil. Erste Auflage

Das Kapital. Buch III: Der Gesammtprozess der kapitalistischen Produktion. Dritter Band, erster [und] zweiter Theil. Erste Auflage

Karl Marx

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Third volume, first and second parts [First edition]. A rare first edition of one of the most influential books ever published.

Verlag von Otto Meissner, 1894.
German. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
The book consists of two volumes
Das Schwabenepos: Gang Der Donauschwaben Durch Die Geschichte

Das Schwabenepos: Gang Der Donauschwaben Durch Die Geschichte

Stefan Blaskowitz
Ertl-Druck & Verlag, 1987.
German. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.


Marko Marulić
Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1954.
Latin. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Der europäische Nihilismus

Der europäische Nihilismus

Martin Heidegger
Pfullingen Neske Verlag, 1967.
German. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Deset stvari koje volim kod tebe

Deset stvari koje volim kod tebe

Julia Quinn

Another unforgettable love story by Julia Quinn, which many already call a contemporary Jane Austen. Ten things I love about you is the first novel of the popular American writer Julia Quinn translated into Croatian.

Mozaik knjiga, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Deutsches Lehrbuch - Grundstufe / Njemački jezik - Prvi stupanj

Deutsches Lehrbuch - Grundstufe / Njemački jezik - Prvi stupanj

Ksenija Jurković, Tamara Marčetić, Cvijeta Žmegač

Texts and exercises. Grammar and vocabulary.

Centar za učenje stranih jezika Zagreb, 1970.
German. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Developmental Theory and Clinical Process

Developmental Theory and Clinical Process

Fred Pine
Yale University Press, 1985.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Devetnica Gospi od Svete Krunice

Devetnica Gospi od Svete Krunice

Charles V. Lacey
Karitativni fond UPT, 2008.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Devetorica hrabrih

Devetorica hrabrih

Mato Lovrak
Mladost, 1958.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Devetsto treća: Majski prevrat

Devetsto treća: Majski prevrat

Dragiša Vasić
Štamparija Tucović, 1925.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.