Marjan tisak
Ul. Drage Ivaniševića 14
Titles in our offer
Ribe: fina predjela i ukusna glavna jela
Riješite u 30 dana novac
How to organize finances in just one month.
Rječnik hrvatsko - engleski / englesko-hrvatski s gramatikom
Rječnik njemačko-hrvatski hrvatsko-njemački s njemačkom gramatikom / Wörterbuch deutsch-kroatisch, kroatisch-deutsch mit deutscher Grammatik
German-Croatian and Croatian-German dictionary with German grammar. Contains more than 100,00 phrases, terms, expressions and synonyms. Edition for school, college and work.
Škola kuhanja 4 : Čarolija mesnih okusa
Snaga pokore (nastavlja se drama ostavljenih)
In just one moment of cataclysm, millions of people disappear forever across the planet Earth.
Što misle muškarci o sexu
Predominantly entertaining in nature, with a large dose of humor, the text takes the reader into a river from which it is not easy to get out.
Suvremena katolička enciklopedija
The encyclopedia is prepared for quick and easy data searching. Some notes important for Catholicism in Croats that are not in the American original have been added.
Sva čuda svijeta (velike znanosti iz čitava svijeta od piramide do kozmodroma)
The circle of seven wonders of the ancient world has been expanded by the author to include sixty of the most beautiful wonders of today.