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Knjiga o Ani i usputna sjećanja
The birth of a child is the greatest happiness of every family, but the knowledge that a newly born child is deaf changes life and gives it a different meaning. The book about Ana is the story of a family's life after such a final diagnosis.
Knjiga životnih zakona: 200 vječnih duhovnih načela
The book of life laws is full of wisdom that the author draws from the sacred writings of the most important world religions and various schools of philosophical thought, as well as from scientists, artists, historians...
Kratka povijest ideja: prekretnice u povijesti ljudske misli
In a simple and clear way, the authors brought the development of ideas of philosophy and religion in the past and today to the widest audience, presenting most of the great philosophers.
The fairy world is just as mysterious, dangerous and interesting as the world of immortal vampires brought to life by Stephenie Meyer. Especially when it's so close to human.
Krupna riba (roman mitskih razmjera)
At the death of E. Bloom, his son tries to get to know him better. From the scanty data, he transforms his father's life into a series of legends and myths, and through these stories he begins to understand his great failures.