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1001 domaći lijek: Zdravlje na prirodan način
The book 1001 Home Remedies: Health the Natural Way by Eberhard L. Hartmann offers a rich source of tips and recipes for maintaining health using natural methods.
Hrana najbolji lijek
This book is intended to introduce you to what I consider to be the most natural substances and the best natural remedies.
Kako postići da drugi čine ono što želimo
This book will help you to influence people of your own choosing, from up close or from afar.
Kako prestati pušiti za pet dana
"How to Quit Smoking in Five Days" by Dr. J. Wayne McFarland and Elman J. Folkenberg offers a practical and structured approach to quitting smoking.
Kako život s artritisom i reumatizmom učiniti lakšim
The book provides practical advice for people suffering from these chronic diseases. Barnard is world famous for the first successful heart transplant in 1967, and his book reflects a humanistic approach to medicine and patient care.