Knjigotisak d. o. o.
Titles in our offer
Detoksikacija organizma
It is the age in which we realized the direct connection between the general pollution of the environment in which we live and the internal poisoning of our body.
Enciklopedija riblje kuhinje
This encyclopedia offers you a series of recipes that can be used to quickly and cheaply prepare a delicious cold or hot meal for any occasion.
Instrukcije matematika – 2. razred srednje škole
Solved tasks, step by step, detailed explanations - all in one place!
Ljekovitim biljem do zdravlja: novi recepti poznatog hercegovačkog fitoterapeuta i travara
The book by Herzegovinian herbalist Rada Marušić is the result of thirty-seven years of experience in the application of so-called preparations. traditional medicine in the treatment of various diseases.
Talijanska gramatika - Grammatica italiana
Italian grammar for primary and secondary schools, for everyone who wants to learn Italian grammar. Appendix - picture dictionary with 500 most important Italian words in pictures.
Talijanska kuharica
A new cookbook with many excellent recipes of famous dishes from all regions of Italy. A detailed and comprehensible description of the preparation and color photos will certainly be a great help to you when trying Italian food yourself.