Crown Archetype

New York

Sjedinjene Američke Države

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Enjoy Every Sandwich: Living Each Day As If It Were Your Last

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Living Each Day As If It Were Your Last

Lee Lipsenthal

Lee Lipsenthal imao je šarmantan život: oženjen je ljubavi svog života, ponosni otac dvoje izvanredne djece, dobar posao i bio je predan živjeti svoj život u potpunosti i zahvalno svaki dan...

Crown Archetype, 2011.
Engleski. Latinica. Tvrde korice s ovitkom.
Why Not Me?

Why Not Me?

Mindy Kaling

From the author of the beloved New York Times bestselling book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? and the creator and star of The Mindy Project comes a collection of essays that are as hilarious and insightful as they are deeply personal.

Crown Archetype, 2015.
Engleski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.