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The fairy world is just as mysterious, dangerous and interesting as the world of immortal vampires brought to life by Stephenie Meyer. Especially when it's so close to human.
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Everyone knows Jenna as Mala from ice cream. That name doesn't bother her at all. After all, there are far worse jobs than selling ice cream on the beach. But one hot summer day, everything changes and Jenna is forced to face the most difficult decision o
Krupna riba (roman mitskih razmjera)
At the death of E. Bloom, his son tries to get to know him better. From the scanty data, he transforms his father's life into a series of legends and myths, and through these stories he begins to understand his great failures.
Kuća u ulici nade
In this novel, the author talks about how to learn to live when you think life is over, and more than anything, she talks about hope.
Roman iz serije Znak ljubavi. Tenleigh Falin se svakodnevno bori da preživi u siromašnom rudarskom gradu u kojem živi sa svojom sestrom i mentalno bolesnom majkom.
Ladanjska kuća
The house of the famous actor Cooper Winslow is one of the most beautiful in Hollywood, and its owner, despite his age, is one of the most desirable men for whom women sigh all over the world.
This hilarious, poignant and satirical novel won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize, honoring Greer's incredible writing skills and the rawness of the story.
Liječenje refleksologijom
Reflexology is a traditional form of foot massage that activates special energy channels in the body and encourages self-healing.
Lijekovi iz kućne ljekarne: 1000 kućnih pripravaka za vaše zdravlje
Make the most effective natural remedies from eternal ingredients from every kitchen! Do you know that your kitchen and pantry hide ingredients from which you can make as many as 1000 medicines?