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Titles in our offer
Miss Julia uzima stvar u svoje ruke
In it, Miss Julia and her rival became great friends, so much so that the disappearance of her husband's lover caused real chaos in the house.
Mjesta iz snova
A magnificent journey to the most beautiful parts of the world
Moć ‘negativnog’ razmišljanja
In a clear and simple style, Tony Humphreys breaks new ground, successfully challenging many contemporary psychological theories.
Moć žene: vodič o uspješnome životu za svaku ženu
Since we entered the 21st century, many people have been talking about all the "earth changes" that will take place. However, in this inspiring book, bestselling author Louise L. Hay reveals that the primary changes we will see will be internal changes.
More izgubljene ljubavi
An exciting romance novel in which the author confirms her status as one of the leading British romance writers.
Mudri savjeti i rješenja za vaš dom
A comprehensive consultant that provides numerous solutions tested in practice. There are tips from smart cleaning and tidying, through laundry maintenance to small repairs and solving problems with home appliances.
Na božićno jutro
On Christmas morning is a love story set in the holiday season from the pen of one of the most widely read authors of romance novels, Lisa Kleypas.
Najbolji prijatelji – mrzim vas!
Best friends - I hate you! (1996) by Rosie Rushton is a popular young adult novel that deals with themes of friendship, love, and teenage challenges.
Najdraži osvajač
The book tells a moving, sensual story about a woman who agrees to live in the shadows to show a highlander warrior what true love is.