Dušević & Kršovnik
Titles in our offer
Brže uči, više nauči
Increase the power of your own mind! How young and old brains acquire and recall information.
Dobar roditelj - Upoznajte sebe i svoje dijete
In this parenting guide, there are a number of suggestions that can help when a child is suffering from depression or sadness, feeling angry, helping to develop a sense of self-confidence and the ability to make independent decisions, and much more.
Englesko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-engleski rječnik
Igrom i smijehom kroz djetinjstvo
Juhe, jela od riže i palenta
Korisne samonikle biljke: Opis i upotreba
The world of wild edible plants is really big, there are certainly thousands of species from small plants, shrubs to trees. In this book, we provide an overview of the most useful and common species, as well as those that we can easily recognize in nature
Koža svrbi, nos curi, oči peku - Pobijedite alergije
The book explains in the simplest way the allergic diseases known today, the process of getting sick from allergies and the ways of their treatment.