
Grašcica 2g



Titles in our offer

Pozdrav Suncu

Pozdrav Suncu

Tanja Radović

A fairy tale about the strength of friendship and love between young men Donat and Sunčana and their joint fight against King Grozomor. The author found inspiration for the picture book in the city of Zadar and the art installation Greetings to the Sun.

Sipar, 2024.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Preporuke gospodina Kuke

Preporuke gospodina Kuke

Radek Knapp

The German magazine Der Spiegel titled Mr. Kuka's recommendations as "the trickiest book of the season" just after publication.

Sipar, 2018.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
8.36 - 8.44
Preprodaja pustaraških priča

Preprodaja pustaraških priča

Dubravko Marijanović
Sipar, 2023.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Priča o Vilmi Špigl

Priča o Vilmi Špigl

Melita Rundek

The story of Vilma Špigl was told by Melita Rundek, painted by Dražen Jerabek. It is one of those beautiful artistic illustrated stories that children should read to grow up, but adults should also return to them so that they don't stop growing up.

Sipar, 2019.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
5.96 - 10.16
Put za Surabayu

Put za Surabayu

Christoph Ransmayr

A collection of reports, biographical notes, speeches and travelogues that, from 1985-1996, this prominent Austrian writer wrote for Austrian magazines.

Sipar, 2010.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
7.46 - 7.50
Ranjeni golub

Ranjeni golub

Sandra Sagena

The illustrator masterfully follows the story and shapes the world and life of the Zagreb suburbs with supernatural drawings and magical colors.

Sipar, 2019.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
5.48 - 9.98
Rat smijehom

Rat smijehom

Željko Funda

War with laughter: a fantastic and humorous novel for children

Sipar, 2016.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
6.48 - 9.16
Ribalica i druge tajnovite riječi

Ribalica i druge tajnovite riječi

Stanislav Marijanović

Ribalica and other secret words˝ reveal to young readers the way to the hidden and intriguing wealth of words in a very entertaining way.

Sipar, 2015.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner

Renata Bakota
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Samo da preživim noć: Moj život novinara i ovisnika

Samo da preživim noć: Moj život novinara i ovisnika

Jörg Böckem

After Children from the ZOO Station, the most honest and convincing first-hand account of addiction. Without moralizing, without justifying, the author describes the milieu of a drug addict. Hopefully he's still out of hell...

Sipar, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
7.64 - 8.36