Grašcica 2g
Titles in our offer
Stric koji nikada nije mahao
The picture book is intended for children, young people and adult readers - especially those who have a hard time bearing partings. Undoubtedly, all relatives will recognize themselves in this emotional story of the master of drama, which is distinctively
Štrigun is an Istrian elf, first among equals in a secret group of fork-bearers, heirs to a thousand-year-old tradition. He is in a whirlwind of events between intelligence officers, painters, detectives and psychics, and the solstice is approaching...
Sutra, jučer i danas Luke zvanog Konj
Stanislav Marijanović, known as a painter and illustrator, demonstrates in this work his versatility as an author who is not afraid to experiment with form and content, providing readers with a unique literary experience.
Tatina medalja
"Dad's Medal" is a short, imaginative, concise story about the relationship between parents and children, in which we see the problem, rebellion, acceptance and resolution of an unsatisfactory relationship.
Traganje za korijenima: osobna antologija
It is, above all, a book for reading, a beautiful and pleasant read (anthologies, when well done, are pleasant books, in addition to being useful); then, as was said, it is also about a self-portrait, about exposing yourself.
U društvu Svjetla
The book in front of you, in fact a travelogue, is a journey, leaving the family, meeting interesting interlocutors, growing, going into the unknown, searching for the universe within.
Vila Vijana, div Tvrdoglav i zelena Mara
Intended for elementary school students, the picture book is an example of a universal fairy tale that will always be fresh for all ages due to the choice of theme and characters, as well as the dynamics of storytelling.
Voda teče, trava se zeleni
In this wondrous and haunting story by a Cherokee writer, strong brash women and ill-fated stubborn men perform a complex dance of approach and avoidance in search of a middle ground between Native American tradition and the modern world.
Vrtni patuljak
This is a story about a little girl and her growing up, and about love, friendship, renunciation and loyalty of a garden gnome, of which there are quite a few in the city.
Three sisters live on the edge of the forest. One evening, Gwendoline, the youngest sister, is called to the forest by a hind.