Titles in our offer
The book explores the complex world of alchemy, an ancient discipline that combines philosophy, spirituality, chemistry and symbolism. The author offers a comprehensive overview of the history, theory and practice of alchemy, with special emphasis on its
Astrološki uticaj meseca
The book deals in detail with the influence of the moon on the human psyche, emotions and everyday life. Through this book, the author explores the symbolism of the Moon in astrology and its connection with the rhythms of nature, intuition and the inner w
Goran Čučković's book Golo deals with deeply introspective themes, exploring human vulnerability, identity and emotional honesty. The title symbolizes baring the spirit and facing oneself, without masks and illusions.
Knjiga o bezbolnoj smrti: Kako ne strahovati od smrti
U ovoj knjizi za autora nije važna biološka ili psihološka smrt, već emocionalna smrt; konačnog sna, gubitka moždanih funkcija, trenutka kada ljudska svest ne prepoznaje ono što je okružuje.
Nostradamusova proročanstva
Proročanstva Nostradamusa, poznatog francuskog astrologa i lekara iz 16. veka, zabeležena su u njegovom delu Les Propheties, objavljenom 1555. godine.
Nostradamusova proročanstva
Pred Vama se nalazi knjiga istinitih centurija i proročanstva Nostradamusa. U ovoj knjizi katrena Nostradamus daje svoju viziju budućnosti. Njegove svima dobro poznate istinite centurije sadrže proročanstva koja ponekad idu i u najsitnije katrene.
Proroci i proročanstva
Knjiga je posvećena uobičajenim znacima, načinu izrade horoskopa za pojedine zemlje ili gradove, godišnjim horoskopima, uticaju planeta na određene znakove, pomračenjima sunca i meseca. Na kraju knjige nalazi se horoskop za SAD i Lenjingrad.
Smrt, međustanje i ponovno rođenje u tibetanskom budizmu
The book explores key aspects of Tibetan Buddhism related to the process of death, the state between life and death (bardo), and rebirth. With a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV.
Teloskop: Ključ za otkrivanje vašeg karaktera prema tipu građe tela
The book by Carol Saltus focuses on connecting the physical characteristics of the body with personality traits. This approach is based on the idea that body type can provide insights into an individual's psychological tendencies, emotions and general cha