Bantam books

New York

United States

Titles in our offer

A Song of Ice and Fire I: A Game of Thrones

A Song of Ice and Fire I: A Game of Thrones

George R. R. Martin

In the Western Countries, summer has been going on for decades. But winter is coming, and new dangers begin to lurk... The first book of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Game of Thrones, is a contemporary masterpiece of fantasy.

Bantam books, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
57.42 (set)
A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings

A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings

George R. R. Martin

In A Clash of Kings, brother conspires against brother, and the dead advance through the cold night. The destinies of the heroes are riddled with profanity, fratricide, alchemy, spells, murders and cold-blooded decisions.

Bantam books, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
57.42 (set)
A Song of Ice and Fire III: A Storm of Swords

A Song of Ice and Fire III: A Storm of Swords

George R. R. Martin

U Sedam Kraljevina prevratima nikad kraja. Besprijekorno ispripovijedana priča, uvjerljivi likovi i magija što buja jamstva su ovoga uzbudljivog nastavka serijala Pjesma Leda i Vatre kojem čitatelji ne mogu odoljeti.

Bantam books, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
57.42 (set)
A Song of Ice and Fire IV: A Feast for Crows

A Song of Ice and Fire IV: A Feast for Crows

George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin neosporno je najbolji autor epskog fantasyja. Radnja napinje živce, nasrće, donosi nesanicu, a Martinova je inspiracija neiscrpna u vještoj gradnji mnoštva likova… Bez imalo sumnje, možemo ga proglasiti američkim Tolkienom.

Bantam books, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
57.42 (set)
A Song of Ice and Fire V: A Dance with Dragons

A Song of Ice and Fire V: A Dance with Dragons

George R. R. Martin

Ples zmajeva počinje ondje gdje je završila Oluja mačeva. U Plesu zmajeva obožavatelje je posebno razveselilo što je priča utemeljena na tri najomiljenija lika iz cijelog serijala – Jonu Snowu, Dany Targaryen i Tyrionu Lannisteru.

Bantam books, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
57.42 (set)
Rama II

Rama II

Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee

Nastavak Susreta s Ramom: jedini SF roman koji je osvojio sve SF nagrade i jedan od najprodavanijih romana svih vremena. Prvo izdanje.

Bantam books, 1990.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Shadows of the Empire

Shadows of the Empire

Steve Perry

Evo neispričane priče o događajima koji su se dogodili između filmova Carstvo uzvraća udarac i Povratak Jedija: roman u kojem Darth Vader još uvijek živi i bori se protiv negativca moćnog i zlog poput njega.

Bantam books, 1997.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Star wars -Shadows of the empire

Star wars -Shadows of the empire

Steve Perry
Bantam books, 1996.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Red Pony

The Red Pony

John Steinbeck
Bantam books, 1963.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.