A collection of short stories
Zmaj od Bosne / Melita
"The Dragon of Bosnia" by Josip Eugen Tomić is a historical novel that follows the life of Husein-Captain Gradaščević, the leader of the Bosnian uprising against the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century.
Zmijski vrh
Agatha Christie, known as the "Queen of Crime", wrote many popular novels, one of her famous novels is "Snake's Peak".
Znakovi pored puta
"Signs on the Road" is a collection of thoughts, notes and observations by Ivo Andrić, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Published posthumously in 1976, the work introduces the reader to Andrić's inner world.
Znanstveni heureka Maskolta Miška
Znaš da to želiš
You know you want it is a book about sex, dating and modern life. A collection of spooky stories about the lives of women today, their experiences at work, at home, at the doctor's, with friends, partners and family.
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