Marjan tisak
Ul. Drage Ivaniševića 14
Titel im Angebot
Autor nas upoznaje s razvojem astronomije od najranijih poznatih astronomskih otkrića pa sve do najnovijih spoznaja. Uključio je također i dijelove vezane uz fiziku te nuklearnu fiziku, a dao je i neka tumačenja u povijesnim poglavljima.
Enciklopedija sobnog bilja
Engleski bez muke s kompletnom gramatikom
This course and the method of learning English presented in the book is intended for beginners, but also for all those who already know its basics.
Hrvatska kuharica Nikice Gamulina - Game 2
Das kroatische Kochbuch von Nikica Gamulina – Game, enthält eine reichhaltige Auswahl bewährter Rezepte, die in allen Teilen Kroatiens beliebt geworden sind.
Hrvatski kolači 1: kolači s oblatnama, sitni kolači, razne poslastice, nepečeni kolači
Kroatische Kuchen sind die begehrteste und meistverkaufte Rezeptsammlung auf dem kroatischen Markt, denn sie besteht aus traditionellen, bewährten Rezepten von Großmüttern, Müttern und Freunden, die uns endlich ihre kleinen Geheimnisse verraten ...
Hrvatski kolači 3: Kolači od dizanog tijesta, kolači od prhkog tijesta, kolači od lisnatog tijesta, kolači od hrustavog tijesta, savijače
Croatian cakes are the most sought-after and best-selling collection of recipes on the Croatian market, because it is made up of traditional, tried and tested recipes collected from grandmothers, mothers and friends who finally reveal their little secrets
Ilustrirana Biblija - Novi zavjet
Stories from the New Testament, from the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection, as well as the journeys of the apostles, are told clearly and vividly.
Jadransko more - U sukobima i borbama kroz stoljeća I.
Part I - Until the sale of Dalmatia to Venice in 1409.