Stranger in the Forest: On Foot Across Borneo

Stranger in the Forest: On Foot Across Borneo

Eric Hansen

At once a modern classic of travel literature and a gripping adventure story, Stranger in the Woods provides a rare and intimate look at the vanishing way of life of one of the last surviving groups of rainforest dwellers.

Eric Hansen was the first Westerner to ever walk across the island of Borneo. Completely cut off from the outside world for seven months, he traveled nearly 1,500 miles with small bands of nomadic hunters known as the Penan.

Below the rain forests, they hiked through an incredibly beautiful jungle where snakes and frogs fly, pigs climb trees, giant carnivorous plants eat mice, and mushrooms glow at night.

Hansen's gripping and often gruesome account of his exploits is tempered by the humor and humanity that prompted the Penan to take him into their world and share their secrets.

20 x 13 cm
Penguin Books Ltd, London, 1989.
Latein Schrift. Taschenbuch.
Sprache: Englisch.

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