Mala noćna čitanja: Hrvatski roman 2011.-2015.

Mala noćna čitanja: Hrvatski roman 2011.-2015.

Dunja Detoni-Dujmić

Eine Sammlung von literaturkritischen Rezensionen und essayistischen Interpretationen kroatischer Romane, die im Zeitraum von 2011 bis 2015 veröffentlicht wurden. Es enthält etwa siebzig Beiträge, die nach Gattungen in fünf Gruppen eingeteilt sind.

The extensive book of almost four hundred pages is divided into five thematic units entitled Riddles and Their Children, Steers, Desperados, Seekers, Heroes of Their Histories, Twisted Consumers of Reality and Squad for Love.

In the foreword, the author emphasizes that she "used a certain genre key" that she explains in the introduction to each chapter. This introduction is actually a key factor for further reading, as it directs the reader to theoretical and historical analyses of contemporary Croatian literature and selected works by individual authors that Detoni Dujmić has chosen for this process. She skillfully and wisely united the chapters with a theme, and the structure of the work and the way they were written are in the center of her attention.

Božidar Petrač
Irena Lenard
19 x 13 cm
Alfa, Zagreb, 2017.
Latein Schrift. Taschenbuch.
Sprache: Kroatisch.

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