Ivan Gašpar


Titles in our offer

Gnojidba ratarskih kultura

Gnojidba ratarskih kultura

Ivan Gašpar

Basics of plant nutrition, basics of fertilization, types of fertilizers, production program, fertilization of plants (arable crops, lawns, fodder crops)...

Petrokemija, 2000.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Gnojidba voćnjaka i vinograda

Gnojidba voćnjaka i vinograda

Sanja Biškup, Ivan Gašpar

Basics of plant nutrition, production program of the mineral fertilizer factory in Kutina, fertilization of fruit trees and vines, meliorative fertilization of orchards and vineyards, active fertilization of fruit trees, regular fertilization of vineyards

Petrokemija, 2000.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.