Joseph Ratzinger

Joseph Ratzinger

Benedict XVI - Joseph Ratzinger was born in 1927 in Marktl on the Inn in the German province of Bavaria. After his studies and priestly ordination, he taught theology at the universities of Munich, Bonn, Münster, Tübingen and Regensburg. During the Second Vatican Council, he was the theological advisor to Cardinal Frings. After an extremely active and notable theological activity, in 1977 he was appointed archbishop of Munich and held that office until 1981, when John Paul II. appointed head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the most important Vatican institution. He remained in that position until the death of John Paul II. April 2, 2005. A few weeks later, at the conclave on April 19, 2005, he was elected as the 265th successor of St. Petra. The pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI ends on February 28, 2013 with his renunciation of the office of the Roman bishop.

Titles in our offer

Božji sjaj u našem vremenu - Rrazmatranja o crkvenoj godini

Božji sjaj u našem vremenu - Rrazmatranja o crkvenoj godini

Joseph Ratzinger

The book combines two of the author's earlier books - "Looking for what's worse" and "Images of hope". The texts were written for a wide range of readers and listeners as sermons, articles for newspapers or radio.

Kršćanska sadašnjost, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Osloboditi slobodu: Kršćani pred izazovima suvremenoga društva i politike

Osloboditi slobodu: Kršćani pred izazovima suvremenoga društva i politike

Joseph Ratzinger

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI talks about contemporary culture and society and the challenges they pose to every Christian in this important book with the intriguing title Unleash Freedom.

Verbum, 2019.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Razgovor o vjeri: Jasni odgovori na suvremene dvojbe

Razgovor o vjeri: Jasni odgovori na suvremene dvojbe

Joseph Ratzinger, Vittorio Messori

Joseph Ratzinger, (Pope Benedict XVI) was welcomed by the whole Church with great enthusiasm as the one who will continue the great work of John Paul II, to whom he was the first collaborator during the entire pontificate.

Verbum, 1998.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.