Immanuel Kant


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Koji su stvarni napreci koje je metafizika ostvarila u Nemačkoj od Lajbnicovih i Volfovih vremena

Koji su stvarni napreci koje je metafizika ostvarila u Nemačkoj od Lajbnicovih i Volfovih vremena

Immanuel Kant
Svetovi, 2004.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Paperback.
Kritika rasudne snage

Kritika rasudne snage

Immanuel Kant

Along with the Critique of the Pure Mind and the Critique of the Practical Mind, this third major work of Kant's is one of the cornerstones of his philosophical building, but it also rounds off his entire view of the world.

Kultura, 1957.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Religija unutar granica čistog uma

Religija unutar granica čistog uma

Immanuel Kant
BIGZ, 1990.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.