Francoise Sagan


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Čudesni oblaci

Čudesni oblaci

Francoise Sagan

In the novel "Miraculous Clouds" we meet a young woman, Josee, who vainly resists her husband's sick jealousy and her insatiable passion.

Svjetlost, 1963.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Modrice na duši

Modrice na duši

Francoise Sagan

Françoise Sagan, like the hero of this novel-essay of hers, Sebastian and Eleonora Van Milhem, brother and sister, elegantly wears a mask of relaxation and carefreeness, but behind the mask hides a vulnerable human being.

Naprijed, 1974.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Volite li Bramsa...

Volite li Bramsa...

Francoise Sagan
Svjetlost, 1961.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.