Jules Verne
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A science fiction novel written at the end of the 19th century by a famous French storyteller for children and youth, also the founder of the science fiction genre.
20.000 milja pod morem
20.000 milja pod morem
This science fiction novel was created at the end of the 19th century from the pen of a famous French storyteller for children and youth, also the founder of the science fiction genre.
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A classic "Vernevian" adventure in which the heroes get into trouble after trouble, full of incredible twists and dangerous situations that make the reader nervous, although it is clear that the story must have a happy ending.
Matijaš Sandorf
Matijaš Sandorf is an exciting adventure novel that belongs to the best part of Verne's work. It was published in 1885, and was first printed in Croatia in 1988. In part of the novel, Jules Verne describes the Pazin Cave and the Pazin Castle.
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A novel about maturing and growing up.
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Jules Verne's 1865 Voyage Around the Moon follows a group of American Civil War veterans led by eccentric gunsmith Impey Barbicane.