Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva (1960) is an American writer, best known for his cycle of spy thrillers about Israeli secret agent Gabriel Allon, the latest of which are "Moscow Rules" and "Defection", both international successes and translated into more than 25 world languages. He is regularly compared to Graham Greene and John Le Carré, and the Washington Post included him among "the best young American writers of spy novels."

Titles in our offer

Moskovska pravila

Moskovska pravila

Daniel Silva

The sudden death of a journalist brings secret agent Gabriel Allon to Russia. Not to the gloomy Moscow of Soviet times, but to modern Moscow awash with oil wealth ruled by a new generation of wealthy Stalinists.

Znanje, 2011.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
4.26 - 4.28
Portret špijunke

Portret špijunke

Daniel Silva

Portrait of a Spy is a spy novel by Daniel Silva from 2011. It is the eleventh title in Gabriel Allon's series. In addition to traditional recurring characters, Portrait features the return of Sarah Bancroft and Nadia al Bakari, the daughter of Allon's ne

Znanje, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.