Isključenje i zagrljaj (Teološko promišljanje o identitetu, drugosti i pomirenju)

Isključenje i zagrljaj (Teološko promišljanje o identitetu, drugosti i pomirenju)

Miroslav Volf

Für das Buch Exclusion and Embrace erhielt der Autor 2002 den renommierten amerikanischen Louisville Grawemeyer Award.

How to forgive injustice, insult, crime? Is there any hope for reconciliation, for harmonious coexistence with enemies? How to live by standing up against violence, injustice and fraud? How to avoid prejudice and non-acceptance of members of other cultural and ethnic groups? The author answers these questions starting from the war in his native Croatia, but considering them primarily in the broader context of cultural, ethnic and racial conflicts. "Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our world will depend on how we treat identity and differences. This problem should be solved immediately. "Ghettos and battlefields all over the world - in our living room, in the city center or on the slopes of the mountains - testify irrefutably to its importance", writes Miroslav Volf. The author does not look for a solution for peaceful coexistence and mutual acceptance and respect despite cultural, ethnic and racial differences in social strategies and programs, but instructs the reader on how to understand oneself and one's relationship to the enemy and consider what we should be like in order to live in harmony with others. .

Original title
Exclusion and embrace . A theological exsploration of identity, otherness and reconciliation
Bruna Filli Terešak
Bruna Filli Terešak
Graphics design
Paul Clowney
23.5 x 16.5 cm
STEPress, Zagreb, 1998.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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