The Škocjan Caves are a system of karst caves in Slovenia that are one of the world's greatest natural phenomena as one of the largest underground canyons in the world, of exceptional beauty with a unique ecosystem, and of great historical value because they have been inhabited since prehistoric times.
M. F. Rakočević
Bar Frane, Finžgar Vilko
16.5 x 12 cm
Turističko preduzeće Kraške jame, Ljubljana, 1952.
It is strange that the most important things in our life are often so obvious that we are not aware of their occurrence at all or barely notice them. Such is the case with our daily activities of cooking and eating.
The book provides an overview of all important vitamins and minerals in a unique way using a logarithmic scale and represents the basis of understanding biological medicine.
Vegetarijanska biblioteka, 1982.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.