Zločini nad banjalučkom krajinom ʼ92-ʼ94
This book deals with events during the war years in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the Banja Luka region. The author investigates the crimes and suffering during that period.
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This book deals with events during the war years in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the Banja Luka region. The author investigates the crimes and suffering during that period.
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The book by Veljko Kovačević, a writer and Spanish fighter, tells the story of the dramatic growth of the 1941 uprising in Gorski Kotar and the Littoral.
Prvi put objavljen 1956., veličanstveni roman Han Suyina o razdoblju izvanredne situacije u Malaji i Singapuru.
„Božja pesnica” Frederika Forsajta, autora „Dana šakala”, „Slučaja Odesa” i mnogih drugih romana, napet je špijunski roman u kojem Majk Martin traga za tajnim iračkim oružjem kojim namerava Sadam Husein da se odupre Pustinjskoj oluji.