Pobjeda nad depresijom / Kako živjeti iznad svojih okolnosti?

Pobjeda nad depresijom / Kako živjeti iznad svojih okolnosti?

Bob George

This book offers practical advice on how to live above your circumstances and overcome depression.

Depression. Hopelessness. Anger. Depression. Sadness. These are some of the feelings we experience when we are faced with difficult life circumstances and situations. However, God has something more for us than simply removing our problems. He wants us to be above them... and that is possible, even when we are in the midst of trouble. Very sympathetically, Bob George tells us how we can experience the reality of Christ as our hope in the midst of any seemingly hopeless situation.

Original title
Victory over depression
Tomislav Kojundžić
Nada Konecky
20 x 13 cm
Logos, Daruvar, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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