Ideologija, krivnja i odmazda - Vlaho Lovrić i (dis)kontinuiteti prve polovice 20. stoljeća
The author, while researching in the Archives of the Episcopal Ordinariate in Mostar, came across the personal legacy of Vlaha Lovrić from the period 1945 to 1947, and after studying his diary entries, a series of questions opened up for him.
This is the origin of this study, whose original goal, from the methodological perspective of intellectual history, is to question the influence of the socio-political turning points of 1939, 1941 and 1945 on intellectual movements within Croatian society. Furthermore, questioning their influence on the individual, on the specific example of Vlaha Lovrić, including the question of guilt, which stems from his activity in the political branch of the Ustaše movement during the Second World War, as well as the policy of retaliation by the Yugoslav authorities at the end of the war and in the aftermath, which was also manifested in his case.
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