

Ivan Gundulić

The pinnacle of Gundulić's work is the chivalric epic Osman, sung in 20 cantos, of which the 14th and 15th cantos do not exist in any of the numerous manuscripts.

The reasons for the absence of central chants are interpreted differently. Changing the historiographical truth to some extent, Gundulić in Osman sang about the Polish-Turkish conflict near Hoći in 1621 and the death of the young Sultan Osman in Constantinople at the hands of rebel janissaries in 1622. He shaped this rich contemporary historical material into an epic in which stories are told about several themes, with many and divorced fictional lines. Unlike the previous Croatian historical epic, as well as the Italian one, primarily by Tasso, who was Gundulić's poetic role model in many ways, the epic deals with a current historical theme, and in a modern way, so it also reflects contemporary political doctrines about history as a political to the fact.

Branimir Donat
Graphics design
Luka Gusić
25 x 18 cm
Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, Zagreb, 1991.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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