Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 6: Pric-Soki

Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 6: Pric-Soki

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The sixth volume out of a tota

Zdenka Ožić, Ozana Martinčić, Bojana Franić
29 x 21.5 cm
Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 2005.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

A copy is available as part of the book set "Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 1-8"

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Books set price: 22.36

Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 1: A-B

1. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 1: A-B

The Croatian art encyclopedia was created according to the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which the entire Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered.

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-263-7
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 2: C-Goth

2. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 2: C-Goth

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The second volume out of a tot

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-264-4
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 3: Goti-Koč

3. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 3: Goti-Koč

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The third volume out of a tot

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-265-1
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 4: Kod-Mosi

4. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 4: Kod-Mosi

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The fourth volume out of a tot

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-266-8
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 5: Mosl-Prib

5. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 5: Mosl-Prib

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The fifth volume out of a tota

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-267-5
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 6: Pric-Soki

6. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 6: Pric-Soki

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The sixth volume out of a tota

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-268-2
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 7: Soko-Van

7. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 7: Soko-Van

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The seventh volume out of a to

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53980-269-9
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 8: Var-Ž

8. Hrvatska likovna enciklopedija 8: Var-Ž

The Croatian art encyclopedia is based on the Encyclopedia of Croatian Art of the Lexicographical Institute of Miroslav Krleža in two volumes (1995, 1996), in which Croatian art is systematically and comprehensively covered. The eighth volume out of a tot

Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-9-53726-000-2
Condition:Used, excellent condition

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