Vašar taštine, sv. 1-2
The pinnacle of Thackeray's creativity and his most famous novel, imbued with elegant sarcasm that at times turns into fierce irony, Vašar taštine proudly takes its place among the masterpieces of world literature.
Vanity Fair shocked the Victorian literary society due to its honest description of the social reality of the time: Tekeri paints the dignity and misery of his time, mercilessly exposing the base drives of greed, vanity, desire for power, lies and hypocrisy of the ruling classes. In church and parliament, in school and family, he everywhere exposes snobs full of pretensions and people who want the same in circles they were not destined for by birth, he removes the mask from the humble worship of success and titles.
There is no completely positive hero in this novel, instead, for the first time from page to page, figures appear who are not just dolls but flesh and blood people. Through a kaleidoscope of good and evil, mean and benevolent characters, the stories of two women intertwine. Devoid of scruples and armed with an astonishing strength of character and a sharp mind, as well as extraordinary beauty, Becky Sharp uses all her trump cards and fights for a luxurious life, far above her social level. On the other hand, her noble-hearted school friend Amelia Sedley is a typical naive Victorian heroine, a spoiled daughter from a rich family, who devotes her life to the man she loves.
The book consists of two volumes.
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