"Tko više ljubi više mu se oprašta..." (smrt Marije Magdalene)

"Tko više ljubi više mu se oprašta..." (smrt Marije Magdalene)

Marija Valtorta

The book "Whoever loves more is forgiven more..." describes the last moments of Maria Magdalena's life through the mystical visions of Maria Valtorta.

In this work, Mary Magdalene is portrayed as a woman who deeply loved and was loved, and her death is described with great spiritual depth and compassion. Through her story, the theme of forgiveness and love is emphasized, and how her sins were forgiven because of her great love for Jesus.

Božidar Medvid
Petar Jurčević
17 x 12 cm
Jelsa d.o.o., Hvar, 2007.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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