"Jesus - The Meaning of My Life" is a book by Henri J. M. Nouwen, a well-known spiritual writer and theologian.
The book is written in the form of letters addressed to his friend Mark, in which Nouwen shares his thoughts on faith, spirituality and a personal relationship with Jesus.
The collection of records from the first Croatian pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1914 includes 62 photographs of all the most important destinations with a brief description.
"Encyclical to the Church in Croatia" is a collection of speeches by the Holy Father John Paul II. during his visit to Croatia in September 1994, as well as his message to the Croatian Catholic youth in Split in 1996.
"Traffickers of Unborn Children" by Claude Jacquinot and Jacques Delaye is a book that explores the controversial topic of using live human fetuses for scientific purposes and cosmetology.
"Pocket Catechism for Children and Adults" is a book translated from French by Srećko Bošnjak and published in 1996 by the Bishop's Ordinariate in Đakovo.
The book Living Word of God contains Sunday and holiday homilies for the liturgical year C authored by Marinko Vidović, Ph.D., Head of the Department of New Testament Scriptures.