Roditeljima i odgojiteljima o odgoju

Roditeljima i odgojiteljima o odgoju

Valter Dermota

The book "To parents and educators about upbringing" by Valter Dermota is a significant work that deals with the topics of upbringing and education.

Valter Dermota was a theologian, pedagogue and catechetical expert who worked in different countries, including Italy, Spain and Austria.

This book provides an insight into Dermot's pedagogical methods and philosophy of education, and is intended for parents and educators who want to better understand and apply effective educational practices.

Stanislav Belaj
Ivan Zirdum
19 x 12 cm
Karitativni fond UPT, Đakovo, 1995.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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