Sri Isopanisada

Sri Isopanisada

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

In this book, which contains 18 mantras, we learn that the ultimate cause of the problems of modern society is the non-acceptance of the Supreme Person, who is the owner and manager of everything.

The Sri Ishopanishad is one of the 108 Upanishads, the original Vedic texts which, according to tradition, are believed to have been written 5,000 years ago. Written in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, it provides us with knowledge of the nature of the supreme intelligence that governs the universe. The original texts of the Vedas are believed to come from God himself, to be apaurusheya, i.e. not spoken by man. They are like instructions for using the material world...

"Only one who learns comparatively how ignorance works and how transcendental knowledge works, will transcend the influence of successive births and deaths and enjoy the full blessings of immortality."

Since the creation of the material world, everyone has been trying to attain eternal life, but the laws of nature are so cruel that no one has escaped the embrace of death. No one wants to die, grow old or get sick. However, the law of nature does not allow anyone to avoid old age, disease and death. The progress of material knowledge did not solve these problems. Material science can invent the atom bomb to hasten the onset of death, but it cannot find anything that can protect man from old age, disease and death.

Ankica Franjić
20.5 x 13 cm
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Alachua, 2012.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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