Doktrina šoka (uspon kapitalizma katastrofe)
Hard cover. The rise of disaster capitalism. All over the world, in Britain, in the United States of America, in Asia and in the Middle East, there are powerful people who profit from chaos.
They use bloodshed and disasters to cruelly and mercilessly transform the world according to their own ideas. They are shock doctors. As an exciting discovery, "Shock Doctrine" reveals the secret history of our age. Unmasking the global profiteers, Naomi Klein revealed data and interconnections that shocked even her - how comprehensively the beliefs of shock doctors dominate our world and how this dominance was achieved. Earning billions from the tsunami, looting in Russia, exploiting Iraq - a terrifying story of how some thrash money while others thrash each other. Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist and writer. Her first book, a world bestseller, »No Logo«, has been translated into twenty-eight languages. New York Tirnes declares it the 'bible of the movement'. She writes columns for The Nation and the Guardian that are broadcast around the world, and she reported from Iraq for Harper's magazine.
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