Knjiga božanske utjehe: Traktati i propovijedi
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Knjiga božanske utjehe: Traktati i propovijedi

Meister Eckhart

Due to the power of expression, spiritual radiation and socio-religious influence, Meister Eckhart's work ranks among the most original documents of mysticism and mystical theology within the "Western Christian context".

Eckhart lived and worked at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. It was, both socially and spiritually, an extremely stormy time. Although the time of spiritual cathedrals, i.e. the construction of great philosophical and theological systems of the golden age of scholasticism, was over, the time of devotees of those systems had not yet passed, so the "modern path", followed by a large number of young thinkers, was very much met with resistance.

One of the first who, dissatisfied with both the old and the modern way, looked for a third "inner" way was Meister Eckhart, a German Dominican, Parisian student and professor, preacher to the German masses and the target of episcopal and papal theological commissions. Eckhart is more oriented towards the honest expression of his deep experience than towards the construction of an original system. The quality of his spirit is thoroughness, not wonder or ecstasy, nor withdrawal from the world that is usually associated with mysticism.

According to his feeling, it is not crucial whether someone is in church or on the street, in solitude or among people. Thus, one of the theses condemned by the bull of Pope John XXII says that everything that the Holy Scriptures say about Christ is fulfilled in every good person. To the accusations that religious truths are darkened by presenting theological opinions in a simple way, Eckhart replies that the ignorant are taught in order to become learned and that there would be nothing old if there were no new.

Aware of the boldness of his words and the height of his spiritual ascent, Meister Eckhart will say: "If God could turn away from the truth, I would cling to the truth and would like to leave God."

Original title
Deutsche Predigten und Traktate
Ante Šoljić
Graphics design
Ratko Janjić-Jobo
23 x 14 cm
Naprijed, Zagreb, 1991.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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