Tebi - Pisma ljubavi
"O woman, you are not only God's creation but also human; these shower you with beauty from their hearts." These are the first words of this interesting book. It contains love letters written by celebrities and addressed to their loved ones.
Here are the letters written by J. W. Goethe to his Charlotte, Napoleon to his Josefine, Beethoven to his Teresa, Tolstoy to his Valeria and many others. also, this book contains fragments of some parts (Tagore, Shakespeare, Andrić and Puškin).
Whether you are a romantic person or not, this book is worth reading because we see that these personalities also did not have an easy time in love.
At the end of the book there is a panel with tonal recordings of individual letters, which are spoken by the actor Zoran Radmilović.
One copy is available